Who knows what roads and what journeys the documents of a Sardinian born in 1884 traveled to arrive at a stall of antiques in Trieste. There, in an envelope, Andrea, 57, fond of military memorabilia and antiques, found them: "I usually buy things about my city, and twice I managed to trace the relatives of the people portrayed in the photos and owners of weaving, but now I have not found any information ”, and for this reason he turned to the editorial staff of L'Unione Sarda, to trace the descendants of the“ mysterious ”man.

We know about him that his name was Adolfo Murgia , who was born in Seulo and who was a stationmaster in Cagliari. He had also been an Infantry soldier and probably took part in World War I or some campaign.

He was married and gave his son the same name that belonged to his father.

“The strange thing is that in the envelope in my possession - continues Andrea - there are also the documents of the son, who appears to have been born in Milan and then enrolled in the Faculty of Economics and Commerce in Rome”. Not only that: Andrea has a card from the Italian National Olympic Committee because this young man was part of the fencing team.

“I would like to be able to find some relatives of Adolfo Murgia - concludes our reader - to deliver these memories, probably precious for his family”.

Anyone with news can contact the web editorial team at redazioneweb@unionesarda.it

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