Party for everyone, except the wallet. Expenses for Easter sweets are skyrocketing , never so expensive: Codacons denounces it, which in a note compares the prices of 2022 with the current ones, with peaks that exceed + 70% (almost doubling).

The average increase in the price of a dove, the "cousin" of the Christmas panettone , reaches +31.8% , but in some supermarkets there are much more significant increases, up to +73.6% for the classic one. The expenditure for stuffed ones fluctuates less, from lemon to chocolate: in these cases, the variations range from +20.7% to 60.8%. So for a 1kg dove, which last year was priced at €4.98, today €7.50 is needed.

The situation does not improve for the other great classic of the period, the Easter egg , which, although less marked, still records an average increase of 15.4% , with some versions dedicated to children breaking through the wall by +40%. . 365 gram chocolate eggs, which cost €10.49 last year, are now €14.90.

«At the basis of the very strong price increases», Codacons claims, «there is certainly the high energy cost , which has weighed down production costs for companies, but also the crisis of raw materials : just think that on the basis of latest Istat inflation data for March, the price of sugar increased by 54.9% year on year, butter by 25.8%, flour by 17.8%, eggs by 22.4% and cocoa by 12.1%".


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