The lucky ones are able to get on board by traveling on overcrowded buses, the others are left on the ground: the problems related to the transport of students guaranteed by ARST know no end.

Yesterday, to discuss the problem that concerns the young people of Pula , Villa San Pietro and Sarroch who every day reach the schools of the capital, the mayors of the three villages - Walter Cabasino, Marina Madeddu and Angelo Dessì - met in the Municipality of Pula. “We have decided to ask for an urgent meeting with the leaders of the ARST - explain the mayors -, what has been happening for a month now is not acceptable. Our students pay for the transport and must be able to use an adequate service ”.

The shortage of buses is a problem that occurs daily both on the outward and return journeys . Among the most penalized, the students of the Green Line, the race that reaches the Michele Giua institute: the bus already leaves practically full from Pula, the boys at the stops of Villa San Pietro and Sarroch just have to travel on foot or wait for the passing a bus and arriving late at school.

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