After four months of treatment, the Valentino turtle will return to swim in the sea.

The young specimen of Caretta caretta will be released tomorrow at 11 in the splendid beach of La Pelosa in Stintino , in front of the curious eyes of the swimmers.

One of the many victims of plastic waste thrown into the sea, was recovered on 10 June following the report of a sport fisherman and the Port Authority of Porto Torres, 50 meters from the Stintinese coast (Coscia di Donna).

He was in a state of buoyancy, entangled in a plastic bag with his front and rear fins, a difficult rescue operation that ended thanks to the support of the Forestry staff of Alghero. His condition immediately appeared serious due to the evident choking wounds in the affected limbs, so much so that he was subjected to a visit by the veterinarian of the Marine Animal Recovery Center of the Asinara National Park to be then hospitalized.

The therapy practiced allowed the turtle to heal completely and its conditions are currently excellent. Plastic is increasingly a threat to the sea and marine animals such as turtles, victims of accidental ingestion and entrapment by plastic.

The event is organized by the Municipality of Stintino, the Asinara Park and the Crama Center.

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