New chapter in the trial of the governor Christian Solinas and the former councilor for Personnel (now for Agriculture) Valeria Satta for alleged irregularities in the appointments of some managers of the Region.

In particular, there would be that of the general director of the presidency of the regional council, Silvia Curto , and that of the general director of the regional civil protection Antonio Pasquale Belloi .

Today the second section of the Court of Cagliari, chaired by Giovanni Massidda, decided to acquire the telephone calls and messages in the trial documents . The defense's objections were therefore rejected because - according to them - it occurred at the end of the investigations.

As on the occasion of the previous hearing, Solinas was present in the courtroom today too, while Satta, who is also charged with the crime of extortion, had to be absent for institutional reasons. For the same affair, a year ago, the former head of the presidential cabinet Maria Grazia Vivarelli was sentenced in an abbreviated manner to two years and eight months, also accused of undue inducement, as well as abuse of office.

Once the hearing was over, when the panel of the Second Criminal Section of the Court had to set the date of the next one and draw up a calendar for the next few months , the defenders of the president Christian Solinas, Salvatore Casula and Roberto Nati, asked to be able to approach the judges, together with the public prosecutor Andrea Vacca and the councilor's defender, Massimiliano Ravenna. The lawyers pointed out that there will be regional elections in the first months of next year , given that the five-year period expires in February and the law requires establishing a date between 25 February and 10 March. The judges withdrew to the council chamber for a few minutes and then returned, indicating two non-derogable dates: one February 9th and the other March 15th. Practically close to the vote .

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