Forbidden groping against a young bartender . Now Claudio Piras, a 39-year-old originally from Trento, is on trial on charges of sexual assault .

Today in front of the college (president Silvia Palmas) the young victim of the abuse was heard as a witness, civil party with the lawyer Rossella Oppo. Answering the questions of the prosecutor Valerio Bagattini , the girl reconstructed the two episodes : the last one happened on July 30th.

“I was leaving the bar while he was coming back – he recalled – and while we passed each other he groped my butt ”. The young woman said she scolded him harshly, Piras (defended by the lawyer Agnese Fenu) in response " said that it had lasted less than ten seconds so I had to keep quiet ".

At that point the intervention of the police was requested, the very frightened girl reported what had happened and then filed a complaint . The other episode had occurred a few weeks earlier: in that case too the two had crossed paths and Piras would first have touched the young woman on the hip and then moved on to her bottom . The commander of the Carabinieri station Cesare Proietti and the soldier who spoke at the bar on that summer Sunday were also heard in the Chamber.

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