The case of the Sardinians forced to travel to the Peninsula for the oral test of the 2024 school competition ends up on the table of the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara .

Democratic Party senator Marco Meloni presented an urgent question, asking the minister to "admit the mistake" and "intervene to apply the constitutional principle of insularity" .

Meloni speaks of "blatant discrimination" against aspiring teachers resident on the island. In fact, whoever won the written test, as a result of the mergers of the locations established by the ministry, will have to cross the Tyrrhenian Sea to carry out the oral test.

«They will have to face a far more expensive journey than their colleagues resident on the continent », highlights Meloni, recalling that continuity ensures controlled prices only on the routes to Rome and Milan. Among the locations identified are Campania , "to which only one direct plane leaves per day and only from Cagliari". Liguria , «reachable by making stopovers or with a single direct flight which operates three days a week». Or even the Marche region , to which "to date there is no direct connection". Therefore, explains the dem senator, the island citizens "will have to organize the movement based on the limited availability of the companies and tariffs will be applied that depend on the seasonality and the booking period".

An "incomprehensible" choice, insists Meloni, which demonstrates "the government's indifference towards the islands" and its "inability to promote measures to remove the disadvantages deriving from the insular factor".

«Minister Valditara – he concludes – admits the mistake and intervenes to apply the constitutional principle of insularity, guaranteeing equal opportunities and protecting the right of non-discrimination of citizens in carrying out insolvency procedures».


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