The name is that of Monte Rughe, between Sindia and Pozzomaggiore, between Planargia and Meilogu. The headquarters, however, is in the heart of the Alps. Tax residence in Châtillon , four souls in cross close to the Matterhorn, home of the first and largest public hydroelectric holding company . The landing on Sardinian land is silent, as befits those who are not even used to knocking when crossing other people's borders. The step between a wind power business operation and an institutional "slap" is short. No outburst of courtesy from those eager to "rape" the mountains and promontories of Sardinia in search of wind and millionaire incentives.

Forgetful Alpines

Yet, there, in Valle d'Aosta, they should know like their mountains the meaning of Special Autonomy, the respect for statutory and constitutional prerogatives. Evidently, however, among the snow-capped peaks of the Italian-Swiss border those principles are one-way, they are valid only if it is the "highest" region in Italy, while they vanish when the most "isolated" land in the country is at stake. Mediterranean. They didn't ask themselves the problem: on 12 September last year they created "Eos Monte Rughe srl", the corporate picklock of the Valle d'Aosta Region designed to undermine the promontories of the north-western center of the island. An undercover operation, managed with the soft steps of an elephant who thought he would go unnoticed in the narrow streets of Malvasia di Bosa, between the Nuraghi valley and the ancient lands of Montiferru.

It went badly for him

Instead, nothing. It went badly for him. They wanted to go unnoticed with the usual cheap "srl", so as not to arouse suspicion, given that the "profiteers" of the Sardinian wind can no longer be counted, those who hide behind reckless and camouflaged companies with ten thousand euros of capital. They did it too, the gentlemen of "Cva-Eos", the de facto public company, controlled by none other than the "Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque - CVA SpA", for the polyglots the " Compagnie valdôtaine des eaux - CVESA ". as they like to translate the hydroelectric giant into a multinational version. They were born to grind water, from Alpine peaks to postcard valleys. Kissed by altitudes, ice and lots of water. Their business is to exploit the assembly line, the precious liquid that drops dramatically, the turbines that grind energy at zero cost. Easy, living in the Alps. It wasn't enough for him, though. Last May 2nd they threw open the doors of the Ministry of the Environment to violate the Montiferru promontories with an unprecedented wind blitz of the Valle d'Aosta Region. In reality, in these three years of daily assault on the Island of the Nuraghi, we had witnessed a bit of everything, from the Chinese "splanades" to the American "sarabandes", from the Spanish wind "flamenco" to the German "incursions". Never, however, has a public company, owned by another Region, even with a Special Statute, the Aosta Valley, dared so much. Of course, they presented themselves with the anonymous "Eos Monte Rughe", but the relative majority shareholder is "Finaosta", the financial company of the autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta.

Slap in the face of Autonomy

A "slap" to the Sardinian Autonomy, with the arrogance of the multinationals, the impetuosity of those who think they can do what they want in Sardinia. There are no preventive and institutional communications in the telephone records, if anything the clear attempt to subtly wedge themselves into the great wind invasion of Sardinia with a project that undermines the horizon of a territory already scarred by the fires of three years ago, strewn with identity assets and Nuragic civilization in every ravine of history. peak power 64.8 megawatts, all to be placed between Sindia and Pozzomaggiore. A devastating impact on areas and landscapes that the gentlemen from the Alps define as " of low environmental value and marginal, characterized by prevalent agro-pastoral use ". , the peaks of the Matterhorn or Mont Blanc are boring and unproductive, like reducing the Graian Alps to an irrelevant granite pile on which nothing grows. There is worse in the certainly not philanthropic stories of these new mountaineers of the wind. In the project presented they have the courage to write: « The chosen area is the result of a logical selection process that led to the identification of the site that was able to satisfy the combination of wind evaluation, environmental and social characteristics » . They rely on "logic", that of business at all costs, to justify the blitz in Sardinia. Among the reasons that justify the choice of Meilogu there is one that requires counter-evidence: " Willingness of the municipal administrations and the population to host the wind farm ".

Who are in favor?

Who are the Sardinian administrators who provided this availability? Perhaps in Aosta and its surroundings they are used to receiving "availability" at the bar or in some occasional meeting? There are no City Councils in Valle d'Aosta where official, institutional and administratively correct positions can be expressed? And, above all, when and where would they have registered the " population's willingness " to welcome yet another "wind incursion" in that territory, not to mention what is happening throughout Sardinia? Statements of unprecedented gravity because the ones making them are not the usual multinational convinced that it can lord it over far and wide, but a company which, by eliminating all corporate subterfuge, is a publicly-owned operator which should have a clear understanding of the meaning of respect for institutions and procedures.

Nuraghi, not huts

That this is an "arrogant" project like few others can be seen from yet another statement full of superficiality and cheap "carelessness" when it is declared that these are " Low archaeological risk areas ". It would have been enough to look at a satellite image to realize the Nuragic heritage with which the entire area teems, but perhaps for the lords of fast-flowing Alpine water it was difficult to accept the response of history: those Nuraghi, who for convenience have only glimpsed in that area, they are the most advanced megalithic evidence in the Mediterranean, much older than some modest Alpine huts.

Landscape, nothingness

The designers, unfortunately also Sardinian, don't care about the "Sardinian landscape", treating it like a "bedside table" into which to stick wind turbines as tall as 66-storey skyscrapers. They even go so far as to write: «Availability of such large surfaces and with variations in altitude such as to guarantee a distance between the wind turbines capable of minimizing the mutual interactions due to the wake effect». In other words: "your" landscape is so vast that we can act undisturbed by expanding the areas where we can distribute our air "slicers". A project that at times "goes crazy": « Man, when he undertakes an action that affects the environmental system, exerts a pressure on it that can alter, more or less significantly, its state of equilibrium at a given moment and in a given area. Faced with the pressures exerted, the system will react by continually adapting in a constant effort to reach new balances without exhausting itself ." In short, the Aosta Valley people first devastate, then the environment, according to business "philosophy", will solve the problem. As if the Sardinian region decided to "slice" the granite of Mont Blanc, nature will then "plug" the scar.

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