The conditions of the park in via Donizetti, in the popular district of Santa Maria di Pisa in Sassari are, to say the least, precarious and in degradation. A short time after its construction, the grandstands in the atrium already appear rotten and without any maintenance. The weeds are also very high and never cut.

But above all at night the park is in the dark, including the parking lots, even though the light poles have already been set up.

"We have reported the situation several times - explains Danilo Farina, member of the Sweet Milk Committee - Santa Maria di Pisa - but so far no intervention has been recorded and what could have been a meeting point for the neighborhood is proving to be a failure".

The municipal administration, especially in recent months, has carried out various interventions in these two large popular neighborhoods, such as the asphalting of various roads. But objectively remedying conditions of abandonment and lack of services that have been dragging on for decades is certainly not an easy task.

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