A pigeon beaten to death by a group of teenagers in Sassari , in the square above the civic market. The bird was literally massacred, its transfer to the veterinary emergency room was useless, it died from the serious injuries it suffered, its two legs were broken.

Ten shot him to death and the incident was reported to the local police.

Doctor Roberta Demontis , a veterinarian specializing in exotic and unconventional animals, denounced the episode in a very harsh post on Instagram, raising the alarm about the violence that is rampant among very young people.

«We have to say enough. Enough of gratuitous violence against those who cannot defend themselves. Don't you care because it's a pigeon? As if his life mattered less than a more “valuable” dog, cat or bird? And then think that anyone who commits such violence on a useless pigeon is violent. And a person who vents his anger in this way will, after the pigeon, hit the cat or the stray dog, the homeless man sleeping on the bench ... He vents his cowardly anger against those who cannot defend themselves."

«We do many campaigns against bullying and feminicide – he continues – but these acts of violence against a pigeon are a wake-up call. Many studies have shown that violent people experiment first on animals, and then move on to people."

Repression alone is not enough, according to Dr Demontis: « We must teach respect for animals, people and things. We need to talk about it inside homes, in schools ." The «young pigeon – he concludes – died due to the severity of the injuries sustained, because ten cowards beat him».


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