The mobilization for Sardinian healthcare began today in Sassari, organized in five stages by the regional CGIL, FP and SPI to denounce a system full of flaws.

"We are slipping to the bottom of the national ranking in terms of quality and efficiency of the public health service", attacks the regional secretary of the CGIL Fausto Durante.

Trade unionists and sector workers gathered this morning in front of the headquarters of the AOU of Sassari, in Viale San Pietro, and reached the emergency room of the Santissima Annunziata in a procession.

«Spending increases and results worsen», according to the union «there is a lack of a local health network, emergency rooms are under attack, hospitals are collapsing and staff are exhausted» .

Fragile people in Sardinia "are abandoned to themselves, the structures accommodate only 162 per 100 thousand inhabitants compared to a national average of 547". Home care is also lacking: «Only 29 elderly people are taken care of every thousand, the Italian average is 62» .

Finally, the union denounces the " shameful delays in the examination of practices by the disability commissions ", with "children, disabled people, sick and fragile elderly people have been waiting for a year to be able to access the few remaining services".

In the afternoon, a demonstration in the rest area of the civil hospital of Alghero, then the other stages.

Tomorrow procession in Olbia , from the ASL headquarters to San Giovanni Paolo II. On Wednesday we will move to Nuoro with a demonstration in front of the Ats headquarters, on Thursday to Oristano in front of the ASL, in the presence of the national secretary of the CGIL Daniela Barbaresi.

Great closing on Friday in Cagliari, from 9.30 a sit in in front of the pedestrian entrance to Brotzu .


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