The hunt for the solitary bandit who broke into the jewelery shop in via Roma, in Selargius continues during the night. The Carabinieri of Quartu and Selargius, who act under the command of Captain Michele Cerri and Lieutenant Pietro Lucania, are examining the images of some cameras, while they have already accompanied some young people to the barracks: no information has been leaked so far.

The police forces would have collected testimonies that could be useful in the economy of the investigations.

We also try to understand if the bandit, after leaving the jewelry store empty-handed, fled on foot or by car, losing track of him.

The fact happened in the evening: the criminal, certainly a young man, entered the resale of precious objects at number 91 in via Roma with a masked face: he was probably holding a toy gun.

The owner who was behind the counter, Sondra Pani, reacted, managing to push the stranger away. Then, the alarm and the arrival of the carabinieri who collected the testimony of the merchant, starting the investigation.

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