Small pupils with flags and signs, outside schools , asking for greater attention from motorists , especially near pedestrian crossings.

Flashmob for road safety this morning in Piazza Giovanni XXIII in Cagliari .

Starting at 8am, before the bell rang, the protest began with continuous pedestrian crossings by pupils from the primary and secondary schools of S.Alenixedda and Cima . Objective: safer home-school routes. The initiative is organized by parents and volunteers from the Women on Bikes and Micromobility association.

«Right in Piazza Giovanni XXIII - explain the organizers - where two schools are located (as well as a parish with adjoining oratory), a precious opportunity was recently lost with the road resurfacing works carried out in December . Instead of making improvements, for example clearly visible pedestrian crossings and perhaps a connecting path to the Via Dante cycle path, everything was simply redone as it was before , including the car parks close to the pedestrian crossings, which hide those who pass by from view. is about to cross."

The requests: proceed immediately with the safety of all pedestrian crossings in the vicinity of schools of all levels . And then start consultation tables for the safety of home-school routes , identify by 2025 the most suitable roads to start a trial of the first school roads in Cagliari, encourage active mobility by installing bicycle racks in front of each school building, and evaluating the possibility of establishing "footbus" or "bikebus" routes , launching awareness campaigns on sustainable mobility in schools.

«These actions – explain the promoters – would have the dual objective of limiting the risk of road accidents and reducing pollution in the places where our children spend a good part of their day».


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