8.30pm. With the performance of Futta, a rapper from Sassari, a long day of popular mobilization ends: a demonstration that was a success, the first piece of Sardinia's great battle for the defense of the territory from the assault of renewable energy businessmen.

8.15pm. The last artists are taking turns on stage, with Lord J now at the microphone, while on the Saccargia plain the turnover of demonstrators continues, which over the course of the day exceeded five thousand units.

7.51pm. Giorgio Canetto from the stage certified the union between the Sardinian committees and others scattered across the Italian territory, which share the spirit of the battle and for the territory: «The Sardinian and Calabrian people are experiencing the same condition», it was said by Catanzaro , "we are in the hands of businessmen, but we are people with our backs straight and we will fight together." Intervention also by the No Tyrrhenian Link committee of Termini Imerese.

7.20pm. «There is a fundamental cultural problem: we think we can solve problems such as climate change with disruptive technology», said the anthropologist Caterini to Videolina, «But the problem should be solved by taking more care of nature. There is a need for delicacy. And start thinking that nature should enter cities, with more green spaces. We need good laws. Let's think about the one that banned smoking: before, people smoked in the hospital, so to speak. Now we know it was a problem. With these mega plants, with disruptive engineering, we want to solve a problem that can be tackled delicately. We need a cultural revolution."

6.55pm. Meanwhile, Federico Marras Perantoni's musical performance has ended and the anthropologist and writer Fiorenzo Caterini takes to the stage.

6.40pm. A statement from the Selargius Committee was read on stage, Sa Barracca de su Padru : «In our countryside, Terna wants to expropriate land, eliminate trees and crops for the Tyrrhenian Link . We must guard the territory together to stop energy colonization and block this assault."

6.30pm. Gianni Montaduro, coordination of Gallura committees: «I would say that we are around 4 thousand people, but I'm keeping low». At least 5 thousand, object the hosts Franco Ferrandu and Paola Pilia.

6.20pm. It's up to the mayor of Orgosolo Pasquale Mereu: « Offices tied up for weeks to prepare the counterarguments to present to the ministry on the projects that exist in our territory. President Todde is fiddling with the moratorium, more concrete actions are needed to block projects that have already received the OK and future ones. This is a people's battle, a fight that must be won with the help of the people ."

6pm. The cry of alarm from Maurizio Fadda, agronomist, Nuoro anti-speculation committee, his speech focuses on the effects on agriculture: «Arable land is already in short supply, if they destroy the few we have it's the end. We must give dignity to farmers. If we want to consume more Sardinian products we must safeguard the land, what will we grow if the land is devastated by shovels? This is why I am working so hard with the committee in Nuoro, because this is often an underestimated topic. Many only think of the landscape when we talk about wind turbines, but let's not forget that man must eat three times a day. We need arable land, which is why we must oppose this speculation which will destroy our rural landscape ."


5.55pm. It's time for Marino De Rosas and his guitar. (vf)

5.05pm. The music of Dr Drer and CRC Posse arrives on stage , fast rhymes in Sardinian over reggae sounds. (vf)

The debut of the third group on stage with Claudia Crabuzza, Rita Casiddu, Andrea Lubino, Fabio Manconi and Massimo Canu . From the Saccargia stage, the singers gave the audience several songs including "The vine and the grain", a hymn and a love song towards the planet and nature. (vf)


4.16pm . The word goes to archaeologist Domingo Dettori : «Why demonstrate today? Why did I take all this to heart? They educated me that there are moments in life when you can't pretend nothing is happening , you can't look the other way and you have to fight for your ideals. Talking only about danger to our goods, in this case, is an understatement. The risk is much greater, the risk is not that they will put a shovel over Saccargia, the danger is that it will irreversibly change the landscape, damaging the cultural heritage. Saccargia is something of identity, it is not just a church. And everything around is part of the cultural heritage, to be protected." (vf)


4.00 pm. Francesco Piu's concert is starting, performing in front of an increasingly large audience, in front of the Saccargia basilica. An unmistakable message on the guitar: «Peace, and then the signatures of friends and autographs. For me today it is important to be there, seeing so many people is comforting. Maybe we are waking up . " (vf)


3.55pm. On stage the greeting from Mauro Gargiulo (Italia Nostra), voice of one of the associations present at the event against energy speculation. On the political side, associations followed one another on stage. «The decree that was signed by the Region, except in some areas bound by the cultural heritage code, which are unsuitable areas, allows the construction of the systems in other areas, suitable or ordinary. This means that wind farms can be built in abundance without any maximum power limit", says Gargiulo. «We ask the Region to promote compliance with articles three and four of the statute which recognize the Region with exclusive legislative power in urban planning matters, and concurrent legislative power in urban planning matters». (vf/lo.pi)

3.45pm. Rita Corda, of the No Tyrrhenian Link Committee , speaks live on Videolina, interviewed by Paola Pilia : «This event is organized by the coordination of the committees against energy speculation. The Tyrrhenian link is a large infrastructure project approved by the Government for the energy transition but in reality it is a government plan rained down from above , which has hit our territories without involving the populations , a procedure required by law and without taking into account the local autonomies. People are enraged by the forced expropriations because the legal procedures were not respected." (vf)

3.35pm. Singer and activist Andrea Andrillo takes the stage to open the Saccargia concert. «A foras» , said the musician at the end of the first song, Mundu Pau , accompanied by the sound of his guitar. (vf)

Luigi Pisci, from the coordination of the committees against energy speculation, took to the stage in front of an increasingly large crowd: «What is happening in Sardinia», he said, «is the result of multi-year decisions. The current regional government took office recently, the previous one did nothing. The Government has now decided to decide. But what? And this is what we must be vigilant about. We do not yet know what the contents of the law that must be approved by the Regional Council are. But we committees know the territory, we have done everything according to the law to stop the invasion, but it is not enough. We must use the prerogatives of our special statute Region. Tuscany did it, with ordinary statute, which bound all cultural heritage. We told Todde: the Sardinian people will never accept the installation of 6.52 Gw, and it is only the minimum ceiling, just because the ruling class has not been able to protect our island. Be careful not to turn Saccargia and events like this into a huge public order problem." (vf)    


The day of the great popular demonstration against energy speculation has arrived. In Saccargia, in front of the characteristic basilica of the Holy Trinity of Codrongianos, numerous people have gathered to make their voices heard, their presence, and say "no" to the assault of the lords of the wind in the Sardinian lands.

Sardinia therefore rises up against wind turbines.

Numerous training interventions are planned. Among the speakers: the anthropologist Fiorenzo Caterini, the naturalist Mirko Piras, the archaeologist Domingo Dettori, the agronomist Maurizio Fadda and the geologist Giulia Cossu. During the day the following will perform: Andrea Andrillo, Alberto Balia, Claudia Crabuzza, Marino De Rosas, Dr Drer & CRC posse, Carlo Doneddu, Riccardo Loi, Francesco Piu, Federico Marras, Lorenzo Mazzocchetti, Giancarlo Murranca, Carlo Sezzi, Alessandro Zolo and others Still.

Not just music, though: space for an area for the little ones with puppets by Nadia Imperio, stories by Elena Cannas and Caterina Civai and Tricirco animation games.

"È-Vento di Saccargia" is live on Videolina, Radiolina and Unionesarda.it.

Franco Ferrandu and Paola Pilia lead.

The numbers of the invasion

According to Terna's latest report, updated to March 31, 809 requests for connection of renewable energy production plants to the electricity grid have been submitted in Sardinia. They would produce 57.67 Gigawatts of power. The graphics made available also allow identification of the location of the various concession requests. Selecting them all, it seems like seeing an island affected by an exanthematous disease: covered in spots and spots, from north to south. But also around, at sea.

Wind power

The solar plants (524 practices) would produce 22.99 Gw, the on-shore wind power (254 practices) 19.99 Gw, while the offshore blades (31 practices) would release 17.82 Gw of power. Quantities that can satisfy the needs of 50 million inhabitants. After doing the math, if we consider a production of 6.8 MW per wind turbine, there would be 2,479 wind towers on land and 1188 at sea (each capable of producing 15 MW). Each between 200 and 300 meters high: giants of iron and steel.


Then the photovoltaic. To produce one megawatt of energy, approximately 3 hectares of panels are needed. To reach 22,990 MW, 68,970 hectares would therefore be needed. Translated into a popular proportion: an area equal to that of 86,212 football pitches will be covered.


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