Usb Sanità announces a demonstration on the occasion of the request for stabilization of social health workers "who find themselves facing a situation of alarming precariousness". The appointment is for tomorrow, Tuesday 10 December at 10 am, in front of the Regional Council in Cagliari.

"About 50 OSS, with significant experience serving the ASL 8 of Cagliari, are currently unemployed, while many others work with fixed-term contracts, expiring on December 31st," explains Gianfranco Angioni of Usb Sanità in a note. "It is unacceptable that, despite their commitment and sacrifice during the Covid-19 pandemic, these professionals have not found space in a stabilization process, despite having satisfied the requirements set by the legislation ."

In recent months, the demonstrations and appeals to regional institutions, to the ASL and to Ares, according to Angioni « have been repeatedly ignored , depriving these OSS of the fundamental rights and dignity they deserve». Usb Sanità reiterates that «it is unacceptable that these operators, who have carried out their work like true angels during the most critical period of healthcare, are now reduced to ghosts in the workplace. Their condition, as well as that of their families, is dramatic and unjust. Despite having met the requirements for stabilization, they are denied the possibility of a secure working future ».

(Online Union)

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