It only took a moment to sweep everything away. The memories of a lifetime, but also the medicines, the clothes, the essential things vanished in the fire. The fire had no mercy on that apartment on the first floor of a building in via Pizzetti at number 5 in Quartu Sant'Elena and now the owners, two elderly disabled spouses, don't really know how to put the pieces back together.

The terrible explosion of the cylinder that powered a gas stove, on the evening of Christmas Eve, left behind only rubble and to be able to rebuild, a lot of money is needed that those who live only on their pension cannot save.

So the association Incontri musica di Giacomo Medas and the parish of Santo Stefano have decided to join forces to help these people , parents of the pianist Walter Agus: at the end of the concerts which will be held on Friday in the basilica of Sant'Elena and in the church of On Boxing Day, it will be possible to leave a free donation "to support the expenses for the couple's return home" . In Sant'Elena we start at 8.30 pm with an organ concert with Fabrizio Marchionni. On Santo Stefano at 7.30 pm with the piano recital by Christian Cadelano.

« The house is completely destroyed and uninhabitable », says Walter Agus , « and it is incredible that the only thing that was saved was my grand piano. I wasn't there at the time. They warned me and when I arrived everyone was already outside, with the ambulances and the police. The cylinder had just been placed. At a certain point it seemed to swell: it started rolling and luckily my parents and my brother managed to get out before it exploded."

The explosion " destroyed all the glass and created a crater in the kitchen." Renovation is not possible at present: my parents live on their pension. Now they are hosted at the home of one of my mother's brothers who is still very shaken ." Luckily they are all safe: «My father is very ill but we managed to get him out in time. My parents and my brother were slightly intoxicated but are now fine."

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