Fines for a total of 10 thousand euros against some owners of a restaurant, a pizzeria and a steakhouse in Quartu Sant'Elena and on the coast. All during a vast service with the participation of the Carabinieri of the Operational Nucleus, Radiomobile and the Quartu Company Station, the Flumini Station, Nas, the Labor Inspectorate. Also use Dog Units.

The fines are linked to alleged hygienic-sanitary irregularities and the presence in a room of a person who worked without any insurance.

During road services, about fifty people were checked and a few grams of drugs were seized with two reports to the prefect of Cagliari. The Carabinieri of Quartu, acting under the command of Captain Pietro Lucania, are carrying out investigations into a fight that would have also occurred last night on the coast. In this regard, no information has been leaked.

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