"We are desperate." Thus the traders of the Natural Shopping Center of Quartu "La Via del Mare" are dealing with continuous thefts, recently "even three in a single night".

A situation of continuous alarm due to criminals who smash shop windows and then raid them, which has once again led shopkeepers - over 60 members - to launch an appeal to the authorities and the police to raise the level of security and supervision in viale Colombo, via Marconi and via Eligio Porcu.

«On 2 April 2024, the "La Via del Mare" Natural Shopping Center, with the support of over 60 members, presented a collective complaint regarding the wave of thefts that affected commercial activities», we read in a note .

"This act, agreed with the mayor Graziano Milia and the municipal administration, aimed to draw the attention of the competent authorities to the critical situation that we have been experiencing since 2019", continue the traders, highlighting however the "lack of steps forward". Indeed: «The situation has worsened further, reaching a point of no return with a significant increase in thefts, even reaching three episodes in a single night».

For this reason the shopkeepers, who say they are "exhausted by the continuous economic losses and the climate of insecurity" , are calling for "concrete action" to definitively put an end to the problem.


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