The diabetologist, the endocrinologist and the physiatrist have been missing for some time , the sampling center is instead available only for a few days a week and from this month the cardiologist will also be missing: Pula 's health services have been increasingly deficient for months.

The mayor, Walter Cabasino, complained about the inefficiencies suffered by the citizens, who in the meeting of the Social Health Committee of the West Area District, convened by the mayor of Villa San Pietro Marina Madeddu, highlighted all the critical issues that the citizens of Pula and nearby towns they are forced to suffer.

«The mental health center deserves a separate chapter, closed since the beginning of the pandemic, and with numerous fragile patients without health support - says Cabasino - it is necessary to find a solution quickly, before an emergency occurs. I also informed the District Director of the imminent retirement of two family doctors and the discontinuous functioning of the medical guard and the summer tourist guard. During the meeting, the director himself made a commitment to enhance services. As for the transfer of Dr. Caboni - which took place last month - it gave the other doctors in Pula the possibility of acquiring other patients in derogation from their ceiling".

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