There was already a decision, starting yesterday March 1st, to close the Maccheronis dam, with supplies to farms only with tankers. Further rationing after the restrictions that have been in place for weeks.

The latest heavy rains, however, seem to have worked a miracle, at least for Bassa Gallura, Baronia and Nuorese. The Torpè and Pedra 'e Othoni reservoirs are rapidly filling up. In the first, almost three million cubic meters were filled in just over 48 hours. At this rate, and with the expected arrival of further rainfall, the maximum capacity of 22 million could be reached quickly.

The situation in the Pedra 'e Othoni sul Cedrino reservoir also improved further, also in this case thanks to the abundant rain that fell throughout the Nuoro area. We are moving towards maximum capacity. Territories that can look to spring and summer with more optimism, even if the emergency situation cannot be said to be completely overcome.

The president of the Central Sardinia Reclamation Consortium Ambrogio Guiso and the mayor of Torpè Martino Sanna relaunch the need to build another dam upstream of the existing one. According to the two, «with the Abba Lughente dam the eastern coast would say goodbye to the water crisis for life».

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