The Olympic windsurfing champion Marta Maggetti, returning from the Paris Olympics, landed yesterday morning in Porto Torres. The winner of the gold medal received the embrace of the men of the Fiamme Gialle of the local Guardia di Finanza company.

Fresh from a race triumph in the iQfoil class, he took first place, preceding in the final, thanks to a perfect strategy, the Israeli Kantor, silver medal, and the British Watson, bronze, despite having dominated during the qualifying tests .

Maggetti, also a Sardinian yellow flame, brings back with the new sailing board an Olympic gold to Sardinia which was missing for 60 years, confirming the absolute technical value of the sailor in force of the IV Athletes nucleus of the sports center of the Guardia di Finanza. Recognized and applauded by passengers on the platform, the champion was the subject of numerous requests for autographs, selfies and photo shoots. Also welcoming her was Commander Davide Guida together with other colleagues.

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