It was a silent and moved crowd that accompanied Giovanna Satta on her last journey this afternoon.

In the short journey that separates the church of San Michele Arcangelo from the cemetery , the Padresi gathered around the family members of the young mother who died at dawn on Tuesday 11 October after having given birth to her third daughter by caesarean section.

The mayor, Antonello Idini, proclaimed the city mourning for today and among all the people who crowded the churchyard of the small church, there was the thought of Aurora, Rosalia and Silvia, Giovanna's three daughters who will have to learn to live without their mother .

"We are here to pay homage to a girl who until ten days ago was smiling among us - said the parish priest Don Michele Vincis during the homily - instead, what should have been the day of joy for Silvia's birth, it turned into a nightmare , so much so that we wonder if it was a bad dream or a reality ”.

Although born only 6 months premature, the newborn is fine and is hospitalized under observation in the neonatal intensive care unit of the San Pietro University Clinics in Sassari. The autopsy ordered by the prosecutor Paolo Piras, and carried out a week after his death, confirmed that Giovanna died of cardiac arrest , the causes of which have yet to be ascertained.

The reconstruction of her clinical history and the histological examination will provide further clarifications , but for now it is certain that Giovanna did not die of a hemorrhage linked to the collapse of the scars of the two previous caesareans, as was initially believed. But this afternoon in Padru no one was thinking about how and why, everyone was just looking at a destroyed family and those two little girls left at home, Aurora of 3 and Rosalia of a year and a half, to whom Giovanna will never be able to tell about when she was born their little sister.

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