The archaeological excavations in progress at Sant'Antioco di Bisarcio in Ozieri are beginning to bear fruit. In the cemetery area, the first infant burials at a superficial level were brought to light on an area of about 40 square metres.

"The cemetery area is located north of the basilica of Sant'Antioco and extends east of the perimeter wall of the bishop's rectory", said the director of the excavation, the professor of medieval archeology at the University of Sassari, Marco Milanese . «Based on current archaeological information, the cemetery was used from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century as a burial place for the inhabitants of the village of Bisarcio , located a few tens of meters from the basilica. In this phase, targeted didactic activities of physical anthropology are carried out, with the survey and analysis of the skeletal remains identified».

"The various scientific figures who alternate in the different phases will be presented as soon as the necessary data is available," concluded Milanese. These burials, which can be dated to the eighteenth century, represent a sector of the cemetery which in the eighteenth century was reserved for the depositions of children of the by now small community of the bidda of Bisarcio».

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