It is a monumental tree and is located in Badu Canu , near the local road Bunnari Nuovo , in the Osilo area. A majestic cork tree called "Su Pianu e S'Alchimissa" , over 200 years old which proudly extends its branches towards the sky and resists the passage of time.

The plant, thanks to the support provided to the Municipality of Osilo by the Forestry and Environmental Surveillance Corps and the Forestas Agency , has recently been included in the national list of Monumental Trees of Italy. Given its historical and naturalistic value, the next step that the municipal administration, led by mayor Giovanni Ligios, intends to take is to georeference it.

It is a tree that has a circumference of 1.30 meters and a height of 420 centimetres . Visitors, among other things, will soon be able to walk along a path equipped with special signs indicating the characteristics of the vegetation present and the species of shrubs.

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