They have sixty days to open the doors of their clinics. Only after almost three thousand children in the province will they finally be able to be visited by a doctor.

The Oristano Local Health Authority, after months of protests by families with children without medical assistance, has assigned four free-choice pediatric centers.

Ares Sardegna has concluded the calls of the doctors who had applied for the offices with a shortage of pediatrics advertised throughout Sardinia.

In area 1, which includes the municipalities of Oristano, Cabras, Palmas Arborea, Santa Giusta, Siamanna, Siapiccia, Simaxis and Villaurbana, Dr. Simona Casano and Dr. Stefania Frascaro will serve. The latter until now was involved in area 4 of Montiferru. Area 5, which includes Arborea, Marrubiu, San Nicolò d'Arcidano, Terralba and Uras, will receive Dr. Francesca Corrias who will take over the responsibility after a temporary assignment. Finally, in area 7 (Gonnoscodina, Gonnostramatza, Masullas, Mogoro, Pompu, Simala and Siris), pediatrician Francesca Demelas accepted the assignment.

From next July 1st, Dr. Dina Fantasia, an internal outpatient paediatrics specialist, will also come into service to support local paediatrics.

«An important response to the shortage of pediatricians throughout the territory of our company - commented the general director of the ASL Angelo Maria Serusi - The general management, the social-health management and the Simple Departmental Structure for Hospital-Territory Integration, in concert with Ares Sardinia, have worked hard in recent weeks to achieve this result."

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