In January 2022 the Municipality opened the construction site for the redevelopment of Piazza Hungary , for the citizens of Oristano the square of the railway station, works for 620 thousand euros .

Six months later, on time with the times, which is more unique than rare in public procurement, the company delivered the works.

Another six months pass and the protests for abandonment are wasted. There is no greenery, only weeds and a sense of abandonment and the signs of the passage of a few cars well marked in the stone pavement; the frames that border the flower beds are rusty.

Parking is a problem, the railways have reduced the stalls to about twenty and motorists arriving at the station just have to slip into the nearby and distant streets to find a white stripe. “With the opening of the Intermodal Centre, the situation will change”, they say in the Municipality. Apart from the fact that the greenery will still have to be fixed in the square, the question is: when will the Center open? In 2023 as long as the 500 thousand euros needed to complete the works arrive.

Antonio Masala

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