Dozens of hectares destroyed by flames. After yesterday's fires in Ogliastra, between Tortolì and Villagrande Strisaili, it is time to count the damage .

More than ten hectares in ashes in Villagrande, near the Santa Lucia dam, where the Mutarba farmhouse, licked by flames, was saved by the firefighters.

«We experienced hell – is the story of the mayor Alessio Seoni – with very high flames close to the Santa Lucia dam. The fire was facilitated by the dry soil and strong wind: at least ten hectares of olive groves and cork oaks went up in smoke. We cannot afford this damage , which only barely affected people, we must intervene immediately."

The mayor also joined Siniscola's colleague Gianluigi Farris, who launched an appeal to the Region to restore the fire service suspended in September . "The weather conditions have changed, it hasn't rained here since June, apart from some sporadic rainfall, and given the temperatures these days we need to equip ourselves with much more substantial forces ," said Seoni.

Precise calculations have not yet been made, but several hectares were also destroyed by the fire in Tortolì, between the industrial area and Monte Attu . The fire came dangerously close to houses and warehouses, luckily it was put out before causing any damage.

The arid terrain and the very strong wind made interventions difficult, small outbreaks also broke out in Tertenia and Baronia, between Capo Comino and Torpè.


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