Serious accident on the outskirts of Cagliari, on the 195, late this morning. A 46-year-old woman was involved, in very serious conditions after going off the road at kilometer 3. For reasons yet to be ascertained, she lost control of her car and ended up on the ground next to the roadway, traveling several meters before stopping. The impact was violent, so much so that the car (heavily damaged) also knocked over an advertising billboard located just before the kilometer 3 sign .

I segni lasciati dall'uscita di strada dell'auto
I segni lasciati dall'uscita di strada dell'auto
I segni lasciati dall'uscita di strada dell'auto

The woman was rescued by an ambulance from 118: immediate transport to the hospital at Brotzu with a red code and multiple trauma . From initial information, there did not appear to have been a collision with other vehicles.

The accident occurred on the road towards Cagliari, just after passing Sa Illetta, in the penultimate straight stretch before the Giorgino curve.



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