He undertook a battle in the name of his immense love for animals. That love which, after graduating in animal breeding and welfare, led her to buy a camper and travel around Italy and Europe to meet and help those who are unable to have the right relationship with their four-legged friend . Chiara Ariu, originally from San Giovanni Suergiu, is 26 years old and has decided in these days, marked by news events involving aggressive dogs with which she too, despite herself, has had to deal, that her mission will be to try to convince the Italian Government to impose precise rules on anyone who intends to bring a dog home.


She had already dreamed of her life on board a camper as a student: «After graduating high school in Sardinia I enrolled at the University in a branch of veterinary medicine called "Animal breeding and welfare" and now I am an expert in the field of dog behavior and nutrition. I already knew during my studies that my life could never be in an office and that I wanted to work with dogs and people and my family encouraged me to follow this passion which, since last year, has taken me to many cities in Italy and Europe with my beloved dog Milo as my travel companion. The dream was going swimmingly, then I fell into a nightmare."

Chiara e Milo
Chiara e Milo
llll Insieme Tre immagini di Chiara, 26 anni, in camper e in compagnia del suo adorato cane Milo   llll Insieme Tre immagini di Chiara, 26 anni, in camper e in compagnia del suo adorato cane Milo   llll Insieme Tre immagini di Chiara, 26 anni, in camper e in compagnia del suo adorato cane Milo  

While she was walking on the island of Elba with Milo she was attacked by a large dog that the owner had left off the leash which attacked her dog and killed it: «A chilling moment of helplessness – she says without hiding the sadness that has accompanied her since that day - the same that all the people who experienced this type of attack have felt. The tragedy, the daily news tells us, is that aggressive dogs left uncontrolled due to owners not trained to manage them are causing death and despair. Let's think about the runner killed by three Rottweilers, let's think about the child recently killed by a pit bull. Let's think about what happens in Carbonia where some neighborhoods are held in check by two pit bulls left without control. Sanctions are not a sufficient deterrent."

On the front line

Chiara, after a few days of desperation, decided to react: «In Italy there is a lack of training for those who want to put a dog in the house, that training and information that serves to prevent irreversible damage – she explains – the owner of a certain breed of dog who doesn't know how to manage its strength and behavior, I compare it to a person who buys a gun and doesn't know how to use it. The weapon itself is not offensive, it becomes so with non-conscious use." Chiara's intent is to create a team of professionals to develop a proposal to be sent to Parliament: «A proposal that leads to a law that imposes a mandatory training course for anyone who decides to buy a dog whose management without preparation is would be problematic and dangerous – he explains – a dog left out of control could at any time become the cause of a potential tragedy. The obligation to wear a leash and muzzle is not enough, many tragedies have involved dogs whose owners have not even managed to keep them on a leash. Training can convince people to undertake valuable educational paths and can lead many young people who love animals to become passionate about the topic and perhaps undertake alternative study paths to the classic ones. An ad hoc law could also offer new work options."

On the Web

Fueled by word of mouth on the web and by the hashtag #giustiziapermilo, Chiara's battle takes small steps every day: «We need everyone's help, from the simple citizen to the veterinarian, from the psychologist to the teacher. Everyone can do their part. I don't intend to stop." Stefania Piredda ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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