Massimo Temussi decided to present himself and answer the magistrates' questions as part of the "Monte Nuovo" investigation.

The current president of Anpal Servizi – the company reports in a note from the lawyers Stefano Porcu and Gaetano Scalise – in recent days «has provided every useful element to categorically exclude any involvement in the criminal association contested in the context of this proceeding , and/or in the facts connected to the same, hypotheses for which he is not under investigation (nor in any way involved)".

While as regards the hypothesis of the crime that is contested against him, on the announcement of the competition procedure for the assignment of management positions of the pain therapy department relating to the hospitals of Olbia, Nuoro and Cagliari, "the deposit of an explanatory memorandum in order to demonstrate the perfect legitimacy of one's actions".

According to the investigators, between January 2020 and June 2021 Temussi, who at the time was commissioner of the ATS, pressured to accredit Binaghi's simple pain therapy structure despite being aware that «the structural, plant and technological requirements were lacking and organisational", "to provide services within the national health service".


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