The new extraordinary territorial community clinic (Ascot) has also been activated in Mogoro . It is located in via Cagliari at number 29 and will be operational every Monday from 9 to 14 .

The service will be available to citizens without a family doctor residing in the municipalities of Mogoro, Morgongiori, Siris, Pompu, Sini, Baradili, Baressa, Gonnoscodina, Gonnosnò, Gonnostramatza, Masullas, Simala. To welcome the patients there will be Dr. Elena Serghieva .

The inauguration event of the clinic was attended by the general director of the Asl of Oristano Angelo Serusi, that of the hospital-territory integration office Alessandro Baccoli, the director of the social-health district of Ales-Terralba Andrea Floris, the engineer Elia Zichi , the regional councilor Emanuele Cera, the president of the district committee of Ales-Terralba Francesco Mereu and the mayor of Mogoro Donato Cau, flanked by other members of the municipal administration.

This is the seventeenth Ascot clinic placed at the service of the population by the ASL 5 , at a time when it is particularly difficult to find the medical resources willing to take on general medicine assignments.

"A pilot project - writes the ASL in a note - that of the Ascot, which is gradually extending in an increasingly capillary and widespread manner throughout the province, thus going to offer an immediate response to citizens without a family doctor". But that is not all. Those present at the inauguration of the new clinic also carried out an inspection of the Mogoro clinic to present the upcoming renovation work planned in the building that houses the service.

The mayor and the administration have proposed an alternative structure in which to ensure the continuation of the scheduled clinical activities during the time necessary for the work to be carried out.

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