“Migrants in the convent? Let the Curia think of the people of Sassari." This is the writing that appears on the banner hung by CasaPound against the decision of the Curia of Sassari to welcome migrants from Africa into the former Capuchin convent.

«We learn from the newspapers the words of the Archbishop of Sassari - explains the movement - who declares that the Sassari Curia has made the former Capuchin convent available to deal with the migrant emergency. We believe it unacceptable that a structure that should assist the most needy ignores a much more serious problem, namely the housing emergency that afflicts hundreds of Sassari families, who do not so easily obtain a roof over their heads from the Curia".

«As if that weren't enough - continues the note - we are also witnessing a significant waste of funds and forces, such as the team of 30 professionals who will assist them in integrating and looking for a job, not to mention the possible disorders that they could be created in a neighborhood that already has its concerns."


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