A training day on Saturday in the lecture hall of the Primo Levi Institute in Quartu aimed at school managers, teachers referring to bullying / cyberbullying issues, curricular teachers, ATA staff, educators and families. The lead school is the Comprehensive Institute N ° 2 of Sinnai. The state Alessandro Manzoni of Maracalagonis, the comprehensive Institute of Settimo and the same "Primo Levi" of Quartu have joined.

We will talk about the allocation of funds aimed at the implementation of projects to combat cyberbullying phenomena. The appointment on Saturday is from 9.30 to 13.
The proceedings will be opened by Giovanni Gugliotta , director of the Sinnai Institute N ° 2 who will talk about "The formation of moral judgment", and by Giampaolo Farci , referent on bullying and cyberbullying USR Sardinia, who will illustrate "The role of the school office regional support to the worrying phenomenon ".
This will be followed by the interventions on “Health promotion at School. Cyberbullying: protective and risk factors ”with Andrea Moi , psychologist; on “Listen to the conflict. Generative pedagogical devices: the parent-child relationship in the prevention and management of adolescent distress ”with the pedagogist Roberto Orrù . And again on "The fight against cyberbullying: the culture of legality" with the intervention of Manuel Guglini, assistant chief - Coordinator of the Postal and Communications Police of Cagliari, and on "School-Family educational alliance: the path of dialogue" with Emanuela Addis , social worker - family mediator.
A valid certificate will be issued for the purposes of in-service training.

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