A wheelchair journey 327 kilometers long, 8 days in all, from Friday 19 May, to raise public awareness on the removal of architectural barriers .

And which sees among the ten participants, the only woman and the only Sardinian, Sabrina Pili from Cagliari, 57 years old.

The route, entirely in the territory of the Veneto Region, which hosts the initiative, will start from Negrar di Valpolicella, in the province of Verona, with 10 travellers, 8 of which with reduced mobility, and will arrive on Friday 26 May in Motta di Livenza, with a large final the next day in Piazza San Marco in Venice .

A "test" organized by Free Wheels, a voluntary association that brings people with accessibility needs closer to the experience of the Camino, to guarantee the disabled the possibility of living the same experience, in the same places, in successive times and independently

"It would be nice to propose this path again in Sardinia too ", Sabrina's words. «On paper - he explains - architectural barriers often don't exist. But then there are obstacles that can prevent a path in total autonomy . From my previous experiences, the problem, rather than the route, is linked to the reception of hotels and restaurants: not all of them are without architectural barriers».

Sabrina dreams of an obstacle-free route that unites the old Sardinian provinces : from Cagliari to Sassari, passing through Nuoro and Oristano. «By now there are so many walking projects in Sardinia, we just need to be careful to make them accessible to everyone. Even autonomously. I can be accompanied by my husband and my daughter, but not everyone has this possibility. But we need to create the conditions so that mobility is truly for everyone».

Klick's on ways, this is the title of the initiative this year in its second edition, but which intends to continue with stops in other regions of Italy, also foresees . a visit to the Negrar Spinal Unit.

Pietro M. of Dolo, Michele of Monastier of Treviso, Emanuele of Eraclea, Ignazio of Scicli, Samuele of Sulbiate, Angiolino of Sommacampagna, Manuel of Martellago will travel together with Sabrina. Leading the group of travelers is Pietro Scidurlo, godmother of the Jesusleny Gomes initiative, who walked 574 Venetian municipalities and embraced the initiative.

In detail, the route includes eight stages in eight days : hundreds of kilometers from western Veneto to eastern Veneto in cities and villages of great beauty. Among others, after the departure in Negrar, the group will touch Verona, crossing the Adige on the magnificent Ponte Pietra, the resurgences of Montorio keeping north of the Adige up to Soave, the most beautiful village in Italy, then a stop in Lonigo, famous agricultural center for the production of rice and dwarf peas, Vicenza, Poiana di Granfion, Camposampiero, a forerunner place linked to St. Anthony of Padua, the Antonian Sanctuary of Arcella, Dolo, Martellago and then Monastier di Treviso, effectively entering in the Prosecco area, San Donà di Piave, Eraclea, pearl of the Adriatic for its verdant landscape. In the last stage towards Motta di Livenza, some old and new guests of the highly specialized rehabilitation hospital will walk with the group and welcome them into the structure , where the 8 riders will talk about their extraordinary days of walking.

From Motta di Livenza, travelers will then reach Venice by car, to tell, in the scenario of Piazza San Marco, how this city too, for years considered inaccessible, can today be livable even for people with spinal cord injuries.


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