«The news on the 140 million euro ARST project for the rail connection with Alghero airport, with hydrogen trains, leaves many questions open and presents considerable risks that at the deadline, June 2026, the money will have to be returned». This is the position of the general secretary of the Sardinian CISL, Pier Luigi Ledda , and of the general secretary of the Fit, Claudia Camedda .

"These are - explain the two trade unionists - hydrogen trains purchased at a considerable cost, equal to approximately five times that of a hybrid train and, considering that they are prototypes, without the absolute certainty that they will be approved by that date".

Ledda and Camedda express « questions and doubts about the project as a whole, starting from what concerns the photovoltaic system and the electrolyser for the production of hydrogen . The concern concerns the need not to compromise agricultural areas, given that their sizing for operational use is unclear. And then the critical issues related to the storage and transport of possibly surplus hydrogen."

«It is necessary - according to Ledda and Camedda - to move within planning and investments that look at the complexity of the railway system and network , which are placed within the coordination of the public transport service, which are part of a project to strengthen collective transport".

The rail connection with these methods therefore confirms the doubts that Fit and Cisl had highlighted at the time, «including the fact that to go to the airport you will have to change trains at Mammuntanas with your luggage . We are evidently in the presence of a choice outside of any serious planning - the conclusion - while the resources should be invested in the modernization of the Alghero Sassari Sorso railway, making it a true metropolitan train with adequate frequencies, safety, speed and comfort".


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