The Platamona pond, in the Sorso area, immersed in a juniper grove amidst particularly beautiful trees and sandy dunes, does not disdain suggestions for improving its corner of paradise which has become a Site of Community Interest .

In recent days, a tree decorated with parchments with a green bow has sprung up, where anyone can write suggestions or wishes on how to manage the protected area, in which the Ceas - Center for environmental and sustainability education stands - entrusted to the management of Legambiente.

Visitors and simple runners who choose the area to spend their free time will be able to help redevelop the area located in the Special Conservation Area called "Pond and ginepreto di Platamona" . Advice collected by Legambiente volunteers to encourage activities that stimulate users to conceive the area as a point of reference for the territory.

«We opened Ceas, on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10 to 13, to display the tree with parchments on which the users of the pond can help us with their advice to better manage the area - explains Agnese Denaro, a Legambiente volunteer - while shortly we will set up the outdoor space with herbarium elements ».

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