The government must take charge of the health emergency in Sardinia. The Councilor for Health Mario Nieddu said this this morning at the Conference of the Regions, and subsequently reiterated in the Health Commission where, with the Ats Commissioner Massimo Temussi, he is reporting on the critical issues in the territories.

"The claim must be moved from the regional to the national level - explained the commissioner before the parliamentary session - the government must take responsibility for it as it has already done with the Covid emergency because health systems are collapsing due to a lack of personnel. , and we cannot manage this situation with ordinary tools, we have done everything we could do, we no longer have doctors to hire, we have made competitions, selections and stabilizations ”.

In particular, Nieddu asks for "emergency measures, by way of derogation, which allow the doctors we already have to be distributed differently, because we cannot move our staff for more than 50 kilometers", but also "the authorization to spend our money for incentivize staff "

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