An accident , the refusal to be helped , then the police checks and the incredible discovery .

It happened in the early hours of the morning in Villaputzu , where a 19-year-old from the Nuoro area lost control of his car and crashed on the SS 125 . The emergency services, alerted by a passerby, arrived immediately and found the boy still there on the spot, a little dazed. However, the 19-year-old refused to be examined by 118 . The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile of San Vito, becoming suspicious, therefore decided to search the boy when he tried to escape from the hands of the health workers who wanted to check him. And here's the discovery: the young man was hiding a Derringer 38 special with illegible serial number , a small double-barreled pistol, already loaded and ready to be used as needed. With him, in addition to the clandestine weapon, the young man also carried a spare ammunition and a pattadese .

The activities of the San Vito Carabinieri continued in the boy's house, where other ammunition of different calibers held without any permit were found .

To close the story that brought the young man to the Uta district prison awaiting scrutiny by the Judiciary, there was also the refusal to undergo tests to verify whether he was driving while impaired by drug use, a refusal from which the driving license will be immediately withdrawn .


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