Nine months ago he almost died, today he returned home. Bono is a town celebrating: he has welcomed back Francesco Mulas, 22 years old. In April of last year he had lost control of the car on the Bitti-Nule road and had crashed into a tree . A devastating impact. The young man, son of the then mayor Elio Mulas, had been hospitalized in intensive care at San Francesco di Nuoro. His condition seemed desperate.

But after the coma there was a glimmer of light. He woke up and the rehabilitation process began, which continued at the Santa Maria Bambina in Oristano. Today the good news: Francesco is back home.

«Today his family, his friends and the whole community have definitively regained a son and a friend», writes the current mayor, Michele Solinas, happily, addressing the boy directly: «Francesco, I wish you in my name, of the municipal administration and of all citizens that the same strength you used to remain strongly attached to life from today you can put it back to planning and realizing all your dreams".


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