More pellet scams.

The Guspini carabinieri, after the complaint filed by a 51-year-old local merchant, reported a 23-year-old and a 20-year-old resident in Naples with similar precedents for aggravated fraud.

The Guspinese had purchased a pellet platform on a specialized website, paying 200 euros into a current account in the name of one of the two accused, but never receiving anything.

The military identified the scammers through computer matches, testimonies, verification of telephone utilities and bank checks carried out in collaboration with the carabinieri of Naples.

The damage was even greater in Villacidro where a pensioner, imprudently surfing the web, had ordered several pallets of pellets, for a cost of 909 euros credited by bank transfer to a 33-year-old whom the carabinieri traced to Catanzaro. He too was reported to the Cagliari judiciary for aggravated fraud.


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