She found the medical guard closed, the 118 resuscitators tried to save her life, but every attempt was in vain. Dorina Serra, a 67-year-old teacher, died in an ambulance in front of her daughter who had accompanied her to the health center of Guasila, where, however, the doctor was missing. The woman, known as Dory, was struck down by a heart attack, according to what was ascertained by the 118 team. The teacher was about to retire. She worked in Segariu but in recent years she had also been Gesturi. Relatives and friends greeted her for the last time the day before yesterday in the hamlet of Figu, in Gonnosnò, where she was born 67 years ago.

The mayor

Paola Casula, mayor of Guasila, fought many battles with the first citizens of the Sarcidano-Barbagia health district of Seulo-Trexenta. Meetings, summits, strikes and demonstrations have been of little use. «I am very sorry for the disappearance of the teacher Dorina - he comments - he had chosen to live in our country. His death affected the whole community. I don't know the dynamics of the episode well, but one thing is certain: the medical guard was closed ». It often happens in the clinic in Piazza Gramsci, where inconveniences and inefficiencies have increased in the last two years. «When there is no doctor in Guasila, one must contact Mandas and Senorbì - continues Paola Casula - the villages of the interior are penalized by the lack of personnel. And in the end it is always the citizens who pay ”. Residents in other countries who are part of the same distracted health care are also well aware of this. Seulo and Esterzili, have been without a general practitioner for a few days and, again in terms of medical guards, that of the hospital in Isili has also remained closed. In short, a disastrous picture.

Discomfort and inconvenience

«Six years ago - Paola Casula recalls - we risked losing the medical service. There was a great mobilization with a collection of signatures. We managed to keep the presidium, but unfortunately in the last two years it often happens that the service is not guaranteed with continuity. We also have some problems with basic support. There are patients left without a doctor ».

The condolences

The death of the teacher Dorina Serra aroused great pain and sadness not only in Guasila and Segariu, but also in Gesturi where the woman had taught for many years.


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