On the occasion of the International Day against Violence against Women, the municipal administration of Gonnoscodina proposes a theatrical event to raise awareness on the topic. In fact, on Saturday, at 6pm, in the spaces of the town's parish hall, in via San Sebastiano 8, the show “Mer'e Domu” will be staged, curated by the theater association “Come.Te”.

The performance is freely based on the novel of the same name by Daniela Frigau, adapted and directed by the “Come.Te” association. “It is an initiative – comments Mayor Luciano Frau – which aims to celebrate the day against violence against women scheduled for November 25th.

We have chosen the theater company "come te" and their show to bring attention to a delicate issue such as gender violence again this year and thus contribute to stemming the phenomenon". Entrance to the show will be free.

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