«Evident speculation on the cost of flights. To raise ticket prices, instead of providing for an adequate number of connections, as is always necessary during the Christmas period, ordinary flights are expected to be filled at very high prices (even more than 500 euros for journeys that could be sold for 50), for then insert the new ones with a long delay compared to the announcements and thus immediately introduce the higher prices ».

It is a very harsh accusation that of the parliamentarian dem Silvio Lai against the airlines. The deputy is also the first signatory of a report sent by several parliamentarians to the antitrust in which they ask to open an investigation into what is happening in the air connections between the islands and the airports of Rome and Milan .

"The Competition Authority should intervene immediately - is Lai's appeal - by checking the behavior of the companies to verify if these are congruous, if they differ from what has been done in previous years in terms of scheduling the number of flights available and in which times have been made available, and whether the prices are justified or not .'

Furthermore, the Antitrust is asked, "in the presence of serious programming errors by the institutions and in the absence of adequate political initiatives by the government", to verify "whether the institutions in charge, above all the competent ministry, have carried out and are carrying out their role » in terms of controls .

A situation that is also due to the continuity regime without compensation that the companies have offered for a few months, according to Lai, who points the finger at the "inadequate" management of the Giunta Solinas. " They rejoiced - recalls the Pd exponent - when the companies accepted the free service charges for a year, not considering that in this way the conditioning and control tools for the application of the contract were lacking ".

Even the commitments made in recent days to increase the number of flights, concludes Lai, demonstrate that "what appears to be a result is in reality a concession that weighs on citizens' costs".


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