In Cagliari there is an alarm due to the increase in the concentration of fine particles in the air.

According to the latest Istat "Urban Environment" report, the pollution data in the Sardinian capital are among the worst in Italy , together with those of four other cities namely Milan, Venice, Naples and Turin , where in 2022 - the reference year - the clearest exceeding of the limit values set by the World Health Organization was recorded (i.e. 20 µg/m3 for PM10 and 10 µg/m3 for PM2.5).

«It is worth highlighting - writes the Institute of Statistics in its report - the most serious situations in Milan, Venice and Naples which exceed the PM2.5 limit by at least twice, and those in Turin and Cagliari, which both double the limit for PM10 and for PM2.5" .

«At a national level – continues Istat – in 2022, compared to the previous year, there was an increase in the average annual concentrations of PM2.5 in 56 of the 93 capital municipalities that carried out monitoring (60%) via 171 fixed stations detection. The trend of PM10 is also worsening in the 100 capitals with monitoring carried out by 264 control units, which record increases in concentrations in 75% of cases".

«Considering that PM2.5 is contained in PM10, the increase in the latter detected in a greater number of observations provides further confirmation of the worsening trend of finer particles, highly harmful to human health, considered responsible for a high number of premature deaths by WHO (World Health Organization)".

Furthermore, the report highlights, «the trends observed mark a reversal of trend compared to recent years. The last significant worsening, in fact, occurred in 2017 (with increases in average values in around half of the capitals for PM2.5 and in four out of 10 for PM10), while from 2018 to 2021 in the majority of capitals a clear trend towards reduction in average annual concentrations was observed ."

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