Night in Sarroch, in the church of Santa Vittoria. Today the destination is Nora. Sant'Efisio's journey towards the place of martyrdom continues between devotion and colours, in the phase which represents the most intimate dimension of the feast.

After the day of the great celebration, which recorded record numbers in Cagliari, the procession following the country chariot carrying the simulacrum will stop at Villa San Pietro. In the afternoon, while the weather becomes uncertain - also according to tradition, in the Cagliari imagination - the passage to Pula: here the person in charge of the rite will be the mayor Walter Cabasino, who will take on the burden and honor of the Alter Nos, Roberto Mura.

Last stop, late in the evening, in the Romanesque church on the beach in Nora.

The second day will also be broadcast live on Videolina: images and commentary starting at 11.30.


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