Two properties with a total value of over 700 thousand euros confiscated by the Guardia di Finanza of Cagliari upon order of the Court.

The recipient of the provision - which follows a preventive seizure already issued in October 2016 - is an entrepreneur from Quartu S. Elena sentenced with an irrevocable sentence to a sentence of 4 years and 5 months of imprisonment for the crime of embezzlement and corruption for an act contrary to official duties.

«The investigations carried out by the military under the Economic-Financial Police Unit of the capital – explains a note from the Fiamme Gialle – have made it possible to ascertain that the aforementioned entrepreneur, in his capacity as administrator pro tempore of a company, through the creation of financial statements not truthful and artificial accounting entries, has unduly obtained financing from a public Venture Capital Fund co-financed 50% by the Sardinia Region ".

«The Fiamme Gialle – continue the investigators – discovered that the unjust enrichment was made possible by the connivance and complacency of the managing director of a company based in Umbria responsible for managing the aforementioned fund, as well as by the effective help received from two accountants and regional political subjects who acted as public officials. Conducts exhaustively reconstructed by the Guardia di Finanza soldiers who found in the person affected by the provision elements such as to allow the contestation of corruption phenomena consisting in the giving of a sum of money in favor of a politician of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, in order to obtain his interest in obtaining regional funds to which he was not entitled ".

Furthermore, the Fiamme Gialle highlight, «the repeated wasteful and distractive conduct of the company's cash and resources, partly used to pay off personal guarantees towards credit institutions, causing damage to the company's creditors, caused the subsequent and irreversible financial collapse of the company and damage amounting to over 4.8 million euros , with the consequent bankruptcy then declared by the Court of Cagliari".

«Further investigative investigations by the Fiamme Gialle - conclude the investigators - have also brought to light further illicit conduct on the part of the entrepreneur who exposed non-existent liabilities in the accounts presented to the Bankruptcy Court of Cagliari, in support of the request for admission to the composition with creditors, and in particular debts of the company for over 1.5 million euros ".


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