Kind, smiling, nice with his speech with a South American inflection. He showed up with his partner, giving the impression of being the most classic of tourist couples arriving in Chia in this period: in the morning he had lunch at the Mirage restaurant in Chia, in the evening at the trattoria da Angelo. In both cases the tourist ran away without paying.

The facts date back to May 9th. The next day, the same thing happened at the “Rosa e Cadira” restaurant in Teulada, but this time the owner noticed everything and blocked the allergic holidaymaker from paying the bill.

The complaint

The rapid investigations by the Carabinieri of Domus De Maria were based on the images of the security cameras present at the Mirage, which immortalized the escape of the tourist and his wife aboard a regularly rented car, a Peugeot small car. From here we traced the identity of the South American: Carlos Campos, 42 years old, resident in Malta.

The story

The complaint came directly from the Mirage restaurant-pizzeria owned by Pierluigi Cara: «The two tourists ate very little, just two appetizers and a bottle of wine, so we thought they were ordering something else. They got up from the table for a moment to go and smoke in the garden, but instead they left without paying. I alerted other restaurateurs in the area about what happened and told them to be careful. I decided to report not so much because of the value of the unpaid bill, but it is a question of principle. These incidents must be reported."


«They ordered a first course and a second course. Once they finished eating they disappeared without paying here too - reports Angelo Frau, owner of Trattoria da Angelo - I've never seen anything like this. I also notified my colleagues from Teulada and as luck would have it, they went to the "Rosa e Cadira" owned by the Albai brothers."

The Carabinieri sent a report on the incident to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Cagliari for the crime of fraudulent insolvency.

Federico Cogoni

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