Progress in the dispute that forced the workers in the related industries, supported by the trade union organizations Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl and Uiltec Uil, to demonstrate in front of the central concierge of the Eni plant .

After three days of protest in the former petrochemical plant of Porto Torres, Quadrifoglio srl - held responsible for not having extended the solidarity contracts in favor of 21 company employees - struck a blow, showing openness towards the workers who risk remaining without salary coverage. The company has called a meeting with the unions for Monday morning, March 18. «While waiting to see the results - communicate the secretaries Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl and Uiltec Uil -, while not having too many illusions, it has been decided to suspend the protests at least until the scheduled meeting».

The workers' request is for an extension of the redundancy fund until May 31st, the expiry date of the Quadrifoglio company's contract. The hope for the workers is that they can be reinstated once the next contract has been awarded by the client Versalis.

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