Between new roundabouts and construction site signs in via Dell'Autonomia Regionale Sarda in Quartu Sant'Elena , the tricolor appears.

No flags for those disappointed by the exclusion from the World Cup, but the new road signs refurbished which are amazing these days and making those passing by smile . The colors used are in fact those of the Italian flag: red, or rather burgundy for the cycle path, green for the pedestrian crossing and then white gravel in the centre. But it's actually not intentional.

The colors that distinguish the roadways are precisely those. Bordeaux is precisely the color of the cycle paths , and the green of the pedestrian paths . Then these white stones were placed to divide them but in reality the separating hedges will go there.

Meanwhile, the works on the artery continue at a rapid pace . Once the three roundabouts at the crossroads with via Dei Pittori Europei, via San Giovanni and via San Martino have been completed, the asphalt will then be rebuilt, to then proceed with drawing up all the signs, center lines, stop signs and pedestrian crossings. All bus stops will also be made safe as already agreed some time ago with the Ctm.

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