A clear and decisive condemnation of the murder of Francesco Cidu and an invitation to the community to react by strengthening the values of peaceful coexistence.

The mayor of Gavoi, Salvatore Lai , dedicated a long post on the Municipality's Facebook page to the terrible crime that shocked the community.

«Someone, according to dry stone wall customs that do not belong to the history of our community , decided to take the life of Francesco Cidu», he writes, wondering if there could be something that could unleash «such extreme violence as to produce an irreversible and as definitive as death."

«There must not be – is the answer – no one can claim the right to dispose of a person's life».

The mayor expresses the closeness of the town to the farmer's family and condemns "in a strong and determined way" the perpetrator of a crime which "has thrown Francesco's family into the deepest pain and a community into despair".

Then the appeal to citizens, asking them to face this moment by "strengthening the bonds and values of hard-working and peaceful coexistence that characterize our community" . «Do not lock yourself away in the shell of your homes and families, go further in cultivating real and supportive relationships between relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, participating in associations, movements, events that make you active protagonists of your life and community».

Again: «Speaking to each other, the language of dialogue and understanding starting from the essential one with one's own children, of adults with children and young people, collaboration to design a common and shared future, respect for others and for women , solidarity towards the weakest and most difficult people, a stronger collaboration between citizens and institutions, are the strongest obstacle to any demon that from the depths of primordial instincts or new degenerations, seems to resurrect every now and then with the aim of taking the scene of community life, burning lives and generating fear ."

The conclusion: " Let's make sure that this terrible event serves to make us react to regenerate ourselves as a new Community ."

Meanwhile, investigations continue to shed light on the crime of the farmer, killed with one or more gunshots fired in the face while he was in his sheepfold. This morning at San Martino in Oristano the autopsy was carried out on the body of Francesco Cidu , described by citizens as a "quiet" man.


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